Sunday, July 25, 2010

continued Questions..

How many times have I realized that I do not know myself or my Life at all.. and yet again and again I forget or rather be fooled and get dragged into these materialistic halls.
Whenever I am winning, you change the rules.. I am not angry or mad, just asking. as I am asking questions today.. let me put them all in here, may be you'll care to answer them one day.
why is it hard for me to forgive. why do I expect so much from others and not accept them as they are. I am not a very good person, most of the time temperamental, but why? Do I have emotional problem and instability. Why do I have very good and very bad memory at the same time. Where do my thoughts leak? or wait, do I have a split personality. If yes since when and how.. will I ever know my real self?
Spiritual stories move me. but then why I do not believe and accept your extended hand even when You keep on helping and forgiving me. I still am not willing to help myself and accept you.
These thoughts are like free radicals to me, meaning less and unstoppable. I know what i am writing is a matter of fact trivial and judgemental, but then being human was not a choice for me.
I know some questions do not have any answers but ignoring them is just not my way, they should be out in open. Who knows what I am gonna do tomorrow, I am done asking questions and will answer some , some day, Yes I have answers as well whose questions don't exist. Not yet, I am waiting for them to be asked. All of them should be heard.

You cannot answer a Question with Question, equation just wont hold true.